Wednesday, June 22, 2011

jewelry factory : Diamond comes from

jewelry factory : Diamond comes from

Diamonds are pure carbon crystal (Carbon), an element that the human element is more commonly known in the chemistry does not vary from diamonds that we use meat from the grill. Pencil for writing. Or coal to heat their homes and factories. But what is the difference. The diamond carbon. The heat and high pressure compressed into a liquid that is extremely strong.

When diamonds formed millions of years ago in a layer of frozen earth is called the "inner earth" who are deep into the outer layer of several kilometers of land. In this area the rock is made of carbon moving underwater. The heat of several hundred degrees Fahrenheit. And many millions of pounds of pressure per square inch. The strength of this carbon (which is not exactly pure. Since the nitrogen and other elements into the mix a little ') was reorganized as a form of "crystals" are extremely strong.

The explosion of the volcano to bring the diamonds to the surface in the form of a lava flow of molten Hinhn ื hardens. And give birth to something known. "Camino Kimberly Light" (Kimberlite Pipe), which takes its name from the city in South Africa have discovered the largest diamond mine in the modern "chimney", which resembles a long tube, this is true. Channel, the ancient volcanic mineral zone. The diamond mix-up near the surface.

The massive geological changes or "shifts" of land and natural weathering. The stack is displayed. Wind and water gradually. The erosion of solid rock out. The diamond crystals are embedded in it comes out raw, natural diamonds that have been washed into the rivers. And there are many that go to the sea. These diamonds will fall along a river bed of gravel. And they are often buried under the sand. It weighs a ton more. Even in this case.

At first the discovery of diamonds in the river and the coast. The distance from the origin of the diamonds are volcanic. Some areas of the world such as Sierra Leone, people often find that diamond in the diamond crystals are deposited. In some areas. The mining companies are digging machine to search for diamond crystal. But when I get the white gem is worth this kind of human remains and increases the volume. Man tries to reverse tracing the origin of diamonds, then have to dig deep crater on the diamond below the surface world. A process that requires huge amounts of capital. In some regions of the world such as Africa and Siberia. You will find a diamond in the mines to dig up the old crater, extinct. By drilling deep into the mine opening sedimentary rock. When digging the pond deeper in search of diamonds from the top of the chimney to be buried in parallel with the mining of diamonds. And a tunnel under the mountain through a vein of diamond. The average, about 50 tons of rock crystal, diamonds, through the stages of the process. The cut may be only a 1 carat diamond, the ratio of 1 in 250 million parts of it, so that the process of diamond mining. It requires a huge sum. In addition, a source with a large diamond

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